Monday, January 17, 2011


Been a while since I last wrote anything, finally have an animation class! (well two really....) So me and my friend Travis entered a contest the cas club of our school was having in which we had to make an animation in only 24 hours(which we failed by the way but will still try and finish when we have the time). Now, me and Travis are from new York and New yorkers tend to have a stereotype about being loud but why is it that while we were working we spoke to each other like calm human beings and almost everyone else around us where screeching at each other like god damn monkeys? Do people in our age group just like being loud assholes? I mean their friends are like right next to them and yet that didn't stop them from screaming at each others faces. I felt really bad for Travis since they were sitting right next to him, he even told he felt some dude's breath on his neck, And some dude stole the juice I got for the event too....

a simple shot  from the animation me and Trav were working on

Monday, October 25, 2010

Photoshop shopin

 Just thought I put up some practice pictures. I need to learn how to
 use colors more efficiently and how to vary lightweight

Sunday, October 3, 2010

24 hour comic day!

Yesterday was 24 hour comic book day here at scad! I managed to finish my comic first ><. I won something for it too! but I kinda hate the fact that I worked harder on the story being good then the drawings. since it was the first time I had the goal of finishing in 24 hours (also I heard about prizes) I spazzed out and only took one break between 6-8:30, We started at 10:00 am and finished at 10:00 am next day. I doubt mine would win anything else but I would like to see a few of the other comics! I don't really wanna share mine tho, I would feel bad if someone called BS on me cause mine is all messy xD. A girl who finished 2nd comic was waaaaay waaaaaaaaayyyyyyy cleaner

heres the prize

Monday, August 16, 2010

Train ride!

Is it me or is it an untold stereotype that artist draw on trains alot? Or at the most something that people often see other people do?. Today I tried to go to Doughnut planet which I saw was on the travel channel before but lo and behold it was closed, so side tracked to Chinatown instead. I drew a few things while we were on the train. Two of which are my weaknesses! (the baby and the car..I need to learn how to draw cars which are in fact everywhere so I have no damn excuse other to laziness as to why I can't draw them.). But anyway Does anyone ever get nervous drawing people on the train? I feel like such a stalker when I stare at people way too long. Normallly the people I draw are the ones who are sleeping or waaay waaaaaaaaays from me. Or I would like, steal glances at them, I call it "ninja-ing". I realized for an artist blog so far a lot of the post are kinda wordy.
Once I get back in school a lot more will be drawing based. I mostly started this because it seems like when you are trying to become a part of the art world a big part of it is placing your work in a place where people can see it.

Tuesday, August 10, 2010

lovely love

Sqee just read about medical staff posting stuff up on facebook about the people who come in and stuff. shame shame. I don't really post a lot of things up or even write that much on my facebook, mostly use it to get in contact with a bunch of friends both from high school and collage. I'm starting to think the one thing I would ever have to restrict from any children I might have would have to be social sites. People tend to sometimes put things up that in the end might end up screwing them over. Oh! I ended up finding the type of guy I was talking about in my last post from a link on parka Blogs. At first I was like " oh! this stuff looks awesome" and then the more and more I looked it was nothing more then naked chicks everywhere and in every post. I'm not saying that the drawings where bad, in fact he had great skills and even made clay models (which I would love to be able to do one day!) but still what a incredibly limited profile!

Wednesday, August 4, 2010

art student life

hopefully this is the first of many posts (i have a live journal but have since abandoned it.) On this blog I want to post up my more odder pics and the odd rant or idea. first off I came to this blog site because I love that little icon b up you see it? on the tab for this window? I love that little bastard. Ok moving on, lets begin the first rant I have wish to share. That being dudes who hate drawing nude dudes during life drawing class. Suck it up! Ever since we were young we have been taught that naked women are beautiful and natural to look at, I guess that's why girls don't really complain about it the way guys do. I mean I never looked at a nude female model  and thought "OMG!  I have my own bewbs why the fook would I want to look at this 'itch's tits?!" I guess what bothers me most about it is that the dudes who tend to stay away from naked males mostly seem to draw naked girls with unreal proportions and they almost always seem to be in some sort of sultry pose or something. I'm not saying all guys draw like this, but I've seen lots of examples of men who do. There's nothing wrong with drawing hot chicks but at lest have some other kinds of images in your gallery.